Intragastric Balloon in Turkey


Are you looking for a non-surgical and effective solution to kickstart your weight loss journey? The Intragastric Balloon procedure in Turkey might be the answer. In this article, we will explore the benefits of the Intragastric Balloon, the procedure itself, and how Saluss Medical Health Travel Agency can guide you through this life-changing weight loss intervention.

What is an Intragastric Balloon?

The Intragastric Balloon, also known as a gastric balloon, is a non-surgical weight loss option. It involves placing a silicone balloon in the stomach to create a feeling of fullness and reduce hunger. The balloon is filled with a sterile saline solution, taking up space in the stomach and helping individuals control their portion sizes.

How Does the Intragastric Balloon Work?

  1. Balloon Placement: The Intragastric Balloon is placed in the stomach during an endoscopic procedure. A deflated balloon is inserted through the mouth, down the esophagus, and into the stomach.
  2. Balloon Inflation: Once the balloon is positioned correctly, it is filled with a saline solution. The filled balloon occupies space in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness and reducing food intake.
  3. Balloon Removal: After a specified period, usually six months, the balloon is removed in a similar endoscopic procedure. The deflated balloon is gently extracted through the mouth.

Benefits of the Intragastric Balloon

  • Non-Surgical Approach: The Intragastric Balloon offers a non-surgical alternative to weight loss, avoiding the risks and recovery associated with surgical procedures.
  • Minimally Invasive: The placement and removal of the Intragastric Balloon are performed endoscopically, requiring only a small incision and avoiding large surgical scars.
  • Effective Weight Loss: Studies have shown that individuals can achieve significant weight loss with the Intragastric Balloon, often leading to improvements in obesity-related health conditions.
  • Short Procedure Duration: The placement and removal of the Intragastric Balloon typically take around 20-30 minutes, allowing patients to return home on the same day.
  • Supports Lifestyle Changes: The Intragastric Balloon is an effective tool to kickstart weight loss and adopt healthier eating habits. It provides individuals with a period of reduced food intake, allowing them to develop new routines and establish healthier portion sizes.

Who is Eligible for the Intragastric Balloon?

The Intragastric Balloon may be suitable for individuals who meet the following criteria:

BMI Range: Generally, individuals with a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40 are eligible for the Intragastric Balloon. However, eligibility may vary based on individual circumstances.

Motivation for Lifestyle Changes: The Intragastric Balloon is most effective when combined with lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes and regular physical activity. Candidates should be committed to long-term weight management.

Absence of Certain Medical Conditions: Individuals with certain gastrointestinal disorders or medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for the Intragastric Balloon. A comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional is necessary to determine eligibility.


The Intragastric Balloon procedure in Turkey offers a non-surgical and effective solution for individuals seeking to jumpstart their weight loss journey. With its numerous benefits, including minimal invasiveness and proven weight loss results, the Intragastric Balloon is an appealing option for those looking to improve their overall health and well-being. With the support of Saluss Medical Health Travel Agency, you can embark on your weight loss journey in Turkey with confidence and ease. Contact Saluss Medical Health Travel Agency today and take the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals with the Intragastric Balloon in Turkey!

How much weight can I expect to lose with the Intragastric Balloon?

Weight loss results vary among individuals. On average, patients can expect to lose between 10% and 15% of their total body weight during the balloon placement period.

Will the Intragastric Balloon affect my ability to eat?

During the initial days after balloon placement, you may experience a feeling of fullness and reduced appetite. However, as your body adjusts to the balloon, you will be able to consume regular-sized meals.

What are the potential risks or side effects of the Intragastric Balloon?

Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort during the first few days after balloon placement. These side effects typically subside as your body adjusts to the balloon.

How long does the Intragastric Balloon stay in the stomach?

The Intragastric Balloon is typically left in place for approximately six months. After this period, it is removed during a simple endoscopic procedure.

Will I need to follow a specific diet while the Intragastric Balloon is in place?

Your healthcare provider will provide you with dietary guidelines to follow during the balloon placement period. These guidelines will focus on healthy eating habits and portion control.

Is the Intragastric Balloon reversible?

Yes, the Intragastric Balloon is a reversible procedure. The balloon can be removed at any time, but it is recommended to keep it in place for the recommended duration to achieve optimal weight loss results.

Can the Intragastric Balloon be used as a standalone weight loss solution?

The Intragastric Balloon is most effective when used as part of a comprehensive weight loss program that includes dietary modifications, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes.

Will I need to take any medications after the Intragastric Balloon placement?

Your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to manage potential side effects, such as nausea or acid reflux, during the balloon placement period.

Can I travel to Turkey for the Intragastric Balloon procedure?

Yes, Saluss Medical Health Travel Agency can assist you in organizing your travel to Turkey for the Intragastric Balloon procedure. They can provide guidance and support throughout your journey, ensuring a comfortable and hassle-free experience.

How can Saluss Medical Health Travel Agency assist me with the Intragastric Balloon procedure in Turkey?

Saluss Medical Health Travel Agency is a trusted partner in facilitating your medical journey to Turkey. They can help you connect with experienced healthcare professionals, arrange your travel and accommodations, and provide personalized assistance from start to finish.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are answers to some common questions about the Intragastric Balloon :
